Do I need legal representation ?
Whilst we have very sound knowledge of the financial industry, the regulatory environment and the terms and conditions offered by the lending institutions, FCA are NOT legal representatives.
We recommend that you always seek the right advice from the most suitably qualified people in that field. Depending on your borrowing needs, you can elect to seek the services of a solicitor or a conveyencor to help ensure that your legal interests are being addressed. In some cases lending institutions will insist on borrowers verifying that they have sought their own independent legal advice. And that is sound practice.
Should you not have access to a legal representative, FCA will gladly refer you to the right place.
FCA also welcome the opportunity to engage with your legal representative directly, to ensure that your best interests are met.
Whilst we have very sound knowledge of the financial industry, the regulatory environment and the terms and conditions offered by the lending institutions, FCA are NOT legal representatives.
We recommend that you always seek the right advice from the most suitably qualified people in that field. Depending on your borrowing needs, you can elect to seek the services of a solicitor or a conveyencor to help ensure that your legal interests are being addressed. In some cases lending institutions will insist on borrowers verifying that they have sought their own independent legal advice. And that is sound practice.
Should you not have access to a legal representative, FCA will gladly refer you to the right place.
FCA also welcome the opportunity to engage with your legal representative directly, to ensure that your best interests are met.